Submit answers to a consult form

Submit your users responses to a consult form


This endpoint is authenticated by a Public key

Submit a response to a consult form to create an encounter with a patient. See a very simple example of the payload below.

  "form" : "rm22sbli4r3k1a9",
  "responses": [
      "value" : "Headache and Fever"
      "value" : "4 days ago"

How To Answer Form Questions

Each question has its own type. The value of response and value in the responses object might be a list if the question is a select_multiple. The different types are listed below:

Text | text- These questions values are set as null by default, users are expected to provide the answer in text.

Select One | select_one questions - These questions have options and users are expected to choose one value from the provided responses in the form questions.

Select Multiple | select_multiple - These questions have options provided and users are able to choose more than one option from the provided options. In this case, the structure of the response object is different a little.

See example below.

  "question": 9,
  "response": [2,3,4],
  "value": ["Paracetamol", "Chloroquine"]


Response codes

200: Answers submitted
400: Error
400: User record not found
400: Form not found
400: Form has no questions
400: Questions not sorted sequentially
400: Question $id not in form
400: Please provide answer to question $id
400: Response should be 1 for question $id
400: Response and Value should be an array for select_multiple questions
400: Response IDs passed no in select_multiple question response options
400: Values passed not in select_multiple question response options
400: Response ID passed not in select_one question response options
500: Server error

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!